Wednesday, March 9, 2011

In Response to Paige

I was surprised to see this video of Britney Spears and her new song. I had only heard the song before but this was the first time that I had actually seen the video. When I first read the title to Paige's blog I though that I was going to have to search even just a little to see the products that were being advertised. I was amazed at how in your face they were. Here's the video again:

In Paige's blog she asked these questions:
Do you think this is a good way for music artists to make money? There will always be product placement in music videos and movies but there are ways of doing it so that it doesn't bombard the viewer and is not obnoxious. What are some ways that product placement can be done more efficiently?  
Apparently Britney made $500,000 for placing these products in her video, so yes it probably is a good way to make money. However, there has to be a better way of placing products so that it is not so in your face. Maybe have less products that are being promoted, or do so in a more subtle way. If the products were placed in a less in your face manner would she not have made as much money? How many advertisements in one video is too much to where it becomes distracting to the viewers?

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