Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Privacy Bill

I found an article that closely related to the discussion in class with the guest speaker Mr. Faulkner. It relates to our discussion on being ethical, and if it was ethical for Mike Vitone to acquire email addresses and send emails to people without their approval or knowledge. The article was from the Wall Street Journal, click here. Apparently Senator John Kerry (D., Mass.) and Senator John McCain (R., Ariz.) passed a bill called the Commercial Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2011. This bill will allow people to see what information is being sent out about them as well as require permission for their information to be shared.

"These companies can do virtually whatever they want with our personal information," Sen. Kerry said. "Sen. McCain and I seek to change that."

Do you think it is ethical for Mike Vitone to e-mail people without their knowledge that he has their addresses?

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